Saturday, May 5, 2018

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Play The Market With Hot Stocks

The is a new game in the stockmarket these days called hot stocks. This goes against the normal Wall St. Recommendation of buy low and sell high. The new hot stocks strategy is to buy high and sell even higher. The way it works is that you buy stocks that are rising in worth and sell them while they're still rising. The time between the buy and the sale is short.

Rather than buying undervalued stocks and waiting weeks or months for them to rise in value, with the hot stocks approach, you purchase stocks that are rising in value. Rather than holding the stocks, you wait only a short while and sell them when their value is higher than the price you paid. You turn a fast profit.

This approach works very well for day traders. You must have your finger on the market's pulse. When you see a stock that's rising in value steadily, you buy the stock. Have a cutoff point set for holding the stock before you purchase. You can even sell the stock the same day as you purchased.

If you chose a hot stock that turns out not to be so hot, shed it straight away even if you have to sell at a loss. Holding on to the stock after it starts to drop could bring a much bigger loss. The stock exchange is a bet and often you lose. Minimize your losses.

In several cases, you'll sell the stock only hours after you purchased it. To use this idea effectively, you have to consistently observe your stock costs and keep on top of the market's trends. Hot stocks are a high risk gamble that occasionally doesn't pay off. Learn from your losses and celebrate your gains. If you'll a profit on two stocks and lose on one, you're still before the game.

Don't put all of your money into hot stocks. This is just one way to earn a profit in the exchange. Investors should have a portfolio with solid stocks from different areas of business to guard their investments. Don't neglect your long term investments in favor of hot stocks. Some of your profits from hot stocks should be put into long tern investments.

Hot stocks only work as a short term investment. These are stocks which should be purchased and sold in less than a week. If the stock continues to rise after you sell, that's's OK, you definitely made a profit. The stock could just as simply drop in price.

If you are paying a brokerage for your investments, hot stocks isn't a choice for you. Brokerage costs can rapidly swallow your profits. Look into online stock services that charge a set weekly or monthly charge for unlimited trades. Trans action charges can be very costly. Let your brokerage firm handle your long term investments, take care of your hot stocks yourself.

Everybody know that you can make money on the stock exchange. The trick is to invest sensibly. Using different monetary instruments and expanding your investments helps grow your cash while defending your principal. If you are unable to afford to gamble, don't play. While the stock exchange is better than Vegas, the chances won't always be in your favor. Hot stocks are a neat way to play the market, they just aren't the only possible way.

Making Money in the Stockmarket is invest for the long-term

The key to making money in the stock market is invest for the long-term, buying only undervalued stocks which, to quote Benjamin Graham, have a "Margin Of Safety". Ben Graham and Warren Buffett both made enormous fortunes through long-term value investing. Indeed, Buffett continues to do so and has averaged over 22% average compounded annual gains over a 39 year period.
These results are phenomenal and not easy to emulate. However, with time on your side and a little bit of work it is possible to do nearly as well as Buffett. Even if you beat the S&P 500's average long-term return of around 11%, you are doing very well indeed.

Suppose you invest $3,000 in a Roth IRA or other tax-efficient retirement account every year for 20 years and achieve an average annual compounded gain of 11% over that period. At the end of the 20-year period you could have around $238,000 disregarding dealing costs and dividends. You have only invested $60,000 - so $178,000 is generated entirely through compound interest. If you were to emulate Buffett's 22%, that $60k would become $1,031,000. If you were to start earlier and invest $3,000 a year for 40 years at 11%, you would end up with $2,132,483. Match Buffett's 22% on these investments over 40 years and you may wind up with a whopping $55,000,000, for an investment of $120,000! That is the power of compound interest.

Many people ask me "Which stocks do I buy?" and "How do I start?" They keep making excuses NOT to start investing for the long-term. My advice is a bit like a Nike commercial: JUST DO IT! Get started. Open a Roth IRA, start by putting money in regularly, even if it's only $25/month. It's important to get into the HABIT of regular savings. In the meantime you can worry about which stocks to buy.

Picking stocks to buy is not actually that hard. It should not take a great deal of work. There are lots of places you can look for investment ideas: in fact there are hundreds of investing websites, including The Graham Investor where we tend to profile stocks that come up in value-based screens and give an opinion as to why a particular may be worth following - not necessarily buying.

There are many different strategies to take; a typical one is to first screen for stocks that meet a particular value criterion which might be any one of: a low PEG, high intrinsic value when compared to current price, price below two-thirds of the Graham Number. Once we have a list of suitable stocks meeting the basic criterion, we can filter out stocks with poor cash flow, excessive debt, poor earnings, or insignificant anticipated growth. We also avoid stocks with low liquidity by making sure average daily volume is as high as possible, and stocks with low prices (typically steering clear of stocks trading at less than $3).

Once the additional criteria are met, look at the charts for each stock. Look for a recent clear downtrend or new 52-week low. Put the stocks with a most obvious downtrend onto a watch list. In particular watch those where the downtrend also shows declining volume. Look at the news for these stocks to see if there is an obvious reason for their recent poor performance. Do not buy - they could go down more. We don't want to try to catch the bottom; it's a sure way to lose money. What we are watching for is a clear sign of a reversal and buy as the stock moves up. Often a reversal can take place slowly and imperceptibly, other times it can be an abrupt reversal. Most often it is somewhere in between. Perhaps the stock has been beaten down by investor sentiment in the form of an overreaction to bad news. At some point the bad news may be dispelled or proven to be unfounded, and the stock will begin to return to fair value. Or, some good news may come in and the stock reverses as investor sentiment comes in. Typically when this happens, we want to see the downtrend broken convincingly and the price rising on increasing volume.

How do we know if the downtrend has broken? Simply draw a line joining the high points in the downtrend, and wait for that line to be broken to the upside with significant volume. What is significant volume? It depends. The higher the volume the better. Look for at least 150% of the average daily volume.

Once you have bought, set a stop loss order around 8-10% below where you bought. If at all possible, set the stop loss order just below the lowest low point before the reversal, so long as it's not too far away from your entry. Spreading your risk can help minimize losses. Divide your equity into at least 10 lots; if you have $5,000 to invest only buy $500 worth of each stock and keep your stop loss 10% of that, or $50. If the logical stop loss point is too far from your possible entry point, don't invest. Stick to the rules and cut your losses short. Let your profits run. In the long run you will make much more on the winners than you lose on the losers -- you can have 5 losers and still be down only $250 or 5% of your equity.

Buying undervalued stocks with good fundamentals in this way at or near low points when nobody else has been interested for a while but there are signs of a reversal is possibly one of the least risky investment techniques because of the built-in "Margin Of Safety".

(c) 2005 The Graham Investor - Value Investing You may use this article, as-is, provided this copyright notice is kept intact.

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Investors have plenty of choices when it comes to making money, so when one market heads south, they simply shift their investing strategy to an investment that will make them the most money and life goes on. Sounds easy and simple enough, right?
But how to make money in a BAD MARKET? I mean when all markets are bad at the same time?

Here are just a few of the investment choices you can choose from:

• Stock Market - Until recently it seemed like a good bet for rapid equity appreciation. Then the bottom fell out and depending on when you get into the market - you could lose money for a very long time.

• FOREX trading - Another choice that has gained in popularity during the past few years is currency trading. If you successfully place your bets you stand to make a ton of money fast.

• Franchising - When the market is bad, some investors decide to start a business of their own or buy into a franchise .Unfortunately, franchises will charge you up to $50,000-$100,000 for the privilege of putting up a sign.

• MLM - Some investors decide to take a whirl at making money with one of the multi level marketing schemes only to discover the truth: While you can make money in MLM, most don’t.

These investments can be more than a little scary , so a lot of would-be investors turn to REAL ESTATE for solid growth opportunities and the hope for a more profitable future.

So if you are asking yourself how to make money in a bad market, look into real estate. Even in a terrible market, you can make money in real estate investing.

By investing smart, you can reduce much of the risk that real estate can pose. And real estate investing makes it possible to turn a profit at every turn - when you buy, if you hold, and again when you sell.

Probably the best reason for pulling the trigger today on real estate investing is the fact that you’re in control every step of the way.

So turn the corner today and start reaching for your financial goals. Real estate investing is the vehicle you’ll use to reach your financial destiny. So get in, buckle up, and hang on!

How to make money in a bad market? Do NOT gamble! Put your money on a sure winner. Real estate investing has created more millionaires with less risk than any other investment out there. Will you be the next one?

How to make money in a bad market in real estate? Opportunities are everywhere - foreclosures is the big one. Discover more about auctions, foreclosures and how to increasy the property value.


Trading stocks and shares is not always easy. However, if you are looking to trade then it is worth having a look at some of the easiest ways to access the global stocks and shares markets.
Many investors are turning to spread trading. With spread trading it should be noted that, as with all forms of speculation, there is a downside and you can lose more than your initial investment.

Having said that, spread trading, also known as financial spread betting, offers tax efficiency as well as quick and simple access to access to World markets.

You can generally trade US, UK, German and French stocks from the same account. In addition, investors are normally able trade a range of stock market indices, currencies and commodities markets.

All of this is tax free*. You are not actually buying and selling any assets or rights or stocks. With spread trading you are merely speculating on the future price of a financial market.

A further benefit in the volatile currency markets is the fact that financial spread betting lets you trade a market in both directions. You do not have to bet on markets to go up. If you think the price of Microsoft shares will go up you can bet on it to go up. If you think the price of Vodafone shares will go down you can bet on the future price to go down.

Yes, there are a good number of positives to this form of trading but you need to remember the downsides. Familiarise yourself with the risks. Please ensure that spread trading matches your investment requirements. Spread betting carries a high level of risk. Seek independent advice where necessary.

What other aspects should you consider? Most traders and investors have their own rules and tips to guide their investments. Here are a few of the more common ideas.

Put a plan together before you trade. I include the markets I am going trade, how much I am prepared to risk and, naturally, the profit level I am aiming for. With most spread bets I also plan my Stop Loss level to protect my downside. I prefer to plan my Limit Orders level to help lock in profits.

Spread bet on the companies and markets that you are most familiar with. If you have little experience of the French equities markets but have a good appreciation for the UK shares market then you are probably better off trading UK shares.

If you do decide to trade, note that your emotions can make trading difficult, especially after you lose a trade. Using orders like Stop Losses and Limit Orders can help control trading decisions even when things go wrong. Having a trading plan and sticking to it will naturally help. And remember that ‘revenge trading’ or ‘chasing losses’, ie trading after you have just lost in order to recoup your investment, will often result in two losing trades.

* Based on current UK tax law, if you pay tax in another jurisdiction then tax law may vary.

A leading financial author writing from the heart of London’s Canary Wharf. Thomas Bainbridge is a respected commentator on the UK spreads and stocks and share trading markets.


When everything is possible online right from shopping to conducting of business, online trading is not a far-fetched reality! One can even access news about the various issues concerning various nations including stock market, government policies, and related regalia at just the click of the mouse. If you are looking for a platform for equities trading or gain detailed information related to it, you can get it all at online share trading portals. No matter whether you are at home or in the office or in the move with a laptop, you can trade in equity shares, provided you have way in to the Internet. The IT has transformed the very concept of living life and eased the complexities involved.
There are equity shares that are traded in the stock market. Gone were the days when trading was conducted manually with stock brokers being permitted to enter the trading platforms and investors lined up outside to know about the result. Today, almost every stock market is converted into an online trading market facilitating investors to invest from the comfort of their space. In either case, it has been the stock broker that handled all transactions; you can today instruct your broker to make the shares trading transaction done on your behalf.

Any online trading platform for equities has two ways for investors to choose – one is investing in the equity shares of large blue chip companies and the other is investing in start-up companies or yet smaller companies. In any of the options, if you are goal-oriented of gaining profits, you should equip yourself with market knowledge including the ups and downs, i.e. market fluctuations. The intelligent investor who has been involved in online share trading for years by taking cautious decisions invests in both the options and reaps profits. Investing in blue chip companies would require you to wait as this are long-term investments. This can be a better option as risks involved are very less or negligible. Your stock will grow in the long run but at a slow pace and if you are fortunate enough, i.e. if the company projects fast growth, you grow fast too.

While investing in equity shares of start-up or smaller companies, you cannot avoid risks. The market conditions are highly volatile in nature in this aspect. You may get huge gains or incur heavy losses or stay at the equilibrium. There are many instances of least known companies the equity shares prices of which goes up by one or two cents in a day. In such a scenario, you gain double benefits. Many online trading investors have made big money by investing in such equity shares. No wonder these investors know the tricks. Researches validate that they update themselves with govt. policies that affect the price of the equity shares of a company including access to the latest news of the share market accessible anytime at financial news portals or online share trading platforms and collection of the historical data of the said company.

Nirmal Kumar Soni is freelance market analyst and is writing reviews articles on stocks and shares, online share trading, online trading, shares trading, online share trading platform, NSE trading


So, you have looked over the market and you are puzzled about what exactly is available for you to trade- there are such a lot of selections, after all. There are, of course, the standard stocks, which are the investments that you make into a company. Each stock certificate is like a tiny title of ownership to that company. The cash they make from the sale of their stocks is then reinvested back into the company by the managing board, ultimately strengthening the company. The company will sell a fixed amount of their stocks to the general public, and the rest will be held in trust by the governing boards in order that they can keep control over the choices that are made for the company. currency trading

You need to keep enough money to avoid dipping into your profit takings. Having an adequate quantity of risk capital will eliminate the need to do either. Set up the account with cash ahead, to cover those riskier trades and you won't have to worry about the way to cover your account at the end of the day, regardless of how the day's trading went for you.

Day trading is also rewarding on a more abdominal level. Imagine the excitement of making a trade that nets you a massive return in one day's's time. That gut level thrill has to be one of the finest parts of being a trader day trader. Sadly, that sense of thrill and danger can cause even more undisciplined behavior on the part of day trader, so take care. It cannot be repeated too frequently, do not forget your loss cap and do not exceed it.

The smart day -trader will trade inside their limits, permitting themselves the facility to make a classy exit if that becomes necessary. Being aggressive should never equal being foolish. currency trading

The old chestnut that ignorance is ecstasy, doesn't apply here. Stating that you did not know the regulations will not let you off the hook. You cannot invest $25,000 in a day trader account, begin making trades and then expect to use the "I did know that." as a defense for any violations. It is your responsibility to know and understand each stock trader regulation before making the first trade. If you don't, it is vital that you educate yourself thoroughly.

In fact, many financial execs will refuse to trade a penny stock because of the work comprised in tracking them, and because they feel they may be beneath them. Due to the floating definition of what a penny stock is, some smaller, but still really solvent company's stocks will go mostly untouched. Some pros will define a penny stock by market cap alone, which makes some of the most powerful performing, but still growing firms prime for investment. Think about it, a small company that is growing in big jumps is probably flying under the radar of most fiscal firms as they watch the action involving the bigger corporations. currency trading

That small company offers its stocks at a bargain basement price, and you, the savvy day trader buys as much as is possible in one trading day. The day after, that very same company becomes famous due to a news bulletin, and all of a sudden your supposed penny stock trade has made you a massive profit. On the down side, that eventuality could go in the direct other direction. You purchase up a big block of stock from this little company and then the following day you wake up to find that the complete company has closed because of some bad luck or simply thanks to the economy. You have now lost each cent you put into those shares of that company